- ABS DATA Unmasked

There is not and never was a 'pandemic' in Australia!

At the beginning of Feb 2022 the Australian Bureau of Statistics(ABS), record the total deaths from COVID related illness in Australia from all medical causes was 2,639.*1 These include heart attacks, strokes, diabetes yes pneumonia, if your wondering where the flu deaths have gone. But if they had COVID as well they were labelled by ‘physicians’ as ‘with’ COVID. Can you see how these numbers are not a true reflection of the situation?

If you think that’s bad, yes it is tragic BUT still below the average deaths by a single cause in Australia – Pneumonia. Each year on average 3,000 Australians die of flu/pneumonia. (ABS figures from 2008-15.) So keep that in mind as we break down just how many have died -just from COVID, as labelled on the death certificates.

When we compare that to the ‘with/from’ so called COVID deaths in Australia the percentage equals 0.9%. This is less than those who die from flu/pneumonia which is approx. 1% each year. When we drill down further we find that 91% of those ‘with/from’ COVID deaths, patients already had 2 or 3 chronic illness. So is the ‘with/from’ figure a true portrayal of the situation?

If we take those out and examine the COVID ONLY deaths we find a different picture emerges. What’s left after taking the chronically ill out is 8.6%. So 8.6% died from COVID ONLY. Lets compare that now as a percentage of the total ‘all cause’ ABS figure, bandied about in the press. We find it drills down to a meagre 0.07%. In other words the average Australian less than 80 years of age has a now confirmed 99.93% chance of beating off COVID and surviving. Why 80 years? The ABS stats reveal the average age of COVID death (with/from) was 83.7 years of age. Children with robust immune systems, have a 99.99% survival rate, the figures show.

Yes that’s right, we locked down the nation for extended times - causing businesses to fail, children to be deprived of at least one maybe two terms of effective learning, caused critically ill Australians from getting Cancer treatment, ALL for a disease ‘risk’ level - less that of the flu. To be absolutely clear there is and never was any ‘pandemic’ in Australia. Those are now the ABS data verified facts!

So what justification is there for the government to spend $3.2 Billion of our taxpayer money on ‘treatments’ that don’t even stop the spread?
This while banning treatments that do.

The TGA, Australia's - Therapeutic Goods Administration, banned proven effective treatments, that have stopped COVID in a day in U.S hospitals. To their shame they did this on March 24 2020 at the height of COVID panic. Where was their duty of care? What other reason could they have? Well perhaps, they could then not take windfalls of $200,000 plus for each ‘vaccine’ application - the amount they told Australian vaccine inventor Professor Nick Petrovsky, he had to give them, gratis with his COVAX Vaccine entry. His is the only ‘true’ attenuated innoculation that would qualify if approved as a traditional vaccine.

As a result of Federal Health policy over the last 2 yrs - Australia now has 9,000 teachers in NSW*2 and perhaps 35,000 teachers (times 5 States) nationwide without work, because of mandatory demands (as at Dec 2021), perhaps the same number of nurses. These bleak figures are NOT counted in the 'unemployment' figures claimed by RBA chairman at 4.5%. This is because they fall into the, ‘not participating’ category. Is that fair on our children’s education?

Where does the treasurer’s rosy forecast for productivity come from, if it’s the same mandate causing, loss of work for allied health services, police, ambulance, council and rescue workers…even life savers, who are prevented from rescuing the drowning because they are not jabbed.

The press is applying the band aid of ‘off work due to COVID’. This like all convincing falsities, contain a part of the truth and then distort the rest. These 'income less' Australians are off work not because they dont choose to work thankyou Ms Catcha NSW DEPT of Ed, but due solely to COVID policy NOT COVID itself! And no Ms Harrison - Health Orders are not 'legislation' as the newly appointed NSW DEPT of Education Secretary, Georgina Harrison, mistakenly promotes.*2

The fact is this nation is losing productivity by the ship loads. Do we really think the GDP will grow by 3-4%. The numbers on the ground and in divided neighbourhoods and now even by the government's, own Bureau of Statistics, paint a much more painful picture!

Sources: 1. ABS (Australian Bureau of Statistics) - Recorde COVID Deaths Data, Jan 29 2022

2. Confirmed at Educational Portfolio Committee No3 NSW Parliamentary Budget Estimates April 4